Tuesday, March 10, 2020

I'm having some difficulty with using the blogger reading list rss feature.

I want a customizable RSS where you can customize feed categories.

You can filter the megafeed and create new feeds. Snoozing links would be more helpful.


-- https://zapier.com/blog/best-rss-feed-reader-apps/

So far so good

Monday, March 9, 2020

Going off facebook has helped me look at my life and priorities/getting banned

more anonymous junk

The most important things to do are to 1) support oneself/make money/have a job, etc
2) have friends or family

If you're not doing that or training for work through school etc you're not doing life. And by you I mean me.
It's sad that I don't have real friends to share media with like you would in real life

Rss feed homepage or just a website like flipboard

I just need to be smarter about how I spend my time online
I kinda worry about not being sufficiently teachable or focused.

I think the social component to motivation an learning is very important.